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Life history, population dynamics and interactions of cascudo fish (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), in a stream of the Teles Pires river

Click on the Name to Meet the Member: Andressa Costa , Fábio Almeida , João Otavio and Talles Colaço

The fishes popularly known as small-mouthed fish are small in size, around 3 cm. During preliminary collections in a stream of the Teles Pires river basin, two syntopic species belonging to the subfamily Hypoptopomatinae, Hisonotus chromodontus and Curculionichthys luteofrenatus were observed. This project investigates the life history of these loricarids, their spatial and seasonal distribution, weight / length ratio, diet and reproductive biology. In addition, intraspecific and interspecific interactions will be investigated both among species of fish, as well as crustaceans and insects.

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Curculionichthys luteofrenatus

Hisonotus chromodontus

WhatsApp Image 2019-09-27 at


Comportamento reprodutivo de Curculionichthys luteofrenatus em aquário.

Aeração: macho movimentando a região posterior de seu corpo, semelhante a um til “~”, próximo aos ovos aderidos a parede do aquário.

Larva de Curculionichthys luteofrenatus, podemos
observar os batimentos de seu coração.

Ovos e larvas de Curculionichthys luteofrenatus
aderidos a parede do aquário.

Macho de Curculionichthys luteofrenatus próximo aos ovos, com comportamento de ataque para outro peixe.

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